Upstate NY Babies

AW:Molly's 1yr stats, etc.! and a pic!

Shee had her appt this morning...she is 19lb, 13oz and 31 inches! 25th/95th %iles. I completely forgot about the blood draw...poor thing! I actually don't like the woman that does it at the office so I took her to Bellevue to get it done. If you live in the ALB area, I highly recommend them for bloodwork! They are amazing. They were so sweet and gentle with Molly and she barely cried.

As far as other milestones, she is cruising like crazy, standing independently, and has so many words already! She is saying mama, dada, hi, dog, banana, night-night, and "this?" for what's this. I looked back at Chelsea's baby book and she didn't say anything other than mama and dada until almost 14 months!

Here is a pic from her Fun in the Sun Party last week:


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