Upstate NY Babies

water issue.. WWYD?

So yesterday somewhere around here there was a water main break. we had low water pressure yesterday morning.. it returned by the time we got back from the zoo around 3pm but our water was yellow and had black specs in it.. the fire dept put out a statement that said the water was safe to drink (Before the water pressure returned). We obviously aren't drinking it though since it has visible crap in it..

Still this afternoon there are black specs in the water.. Even if i run it through my PUR filter (which probably needs to be changed) I still see some.. its not yellow anymore.. I'm still not drinking it.. but do you think its OK to run my dishwasher? Washing machine? I don't want the crap all over my clothes and dishes.. But this stuff needs to get done!

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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