Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Found a lump

I was scrubbing Gideon's scalp while I was giving him a bath, and I felt a little lump behind his left ear. I washed out the soap, bent his ear forward, and it is visible under the skin but it doesn't look like a cyst or pimple. When I touch it, it gives a little, but it doesn't really move - and it doesn't cause him any pain. My aunt just found a lump behind her ear and had to get a biopsy. His 9 month appointment is this week, and I'm definitely going to ask the doc, but the only thing that's running through my mind right now is MY BABY HAS A TUMOR. 

Please, please, please tell me that someone else has found something like this on their LO and it turned out to be nothing! I'm not googling it or checking WebMD because I would go BSC if I saw cancer anywhere in the search results. TIA. 

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