Babies: 9 - 12 Months

more MIL issues

So I wrote before about my MIL and her smoking.  DH asked her not to hold DD after she smokes and she got made and stormed out of our house.  Well he didn't talk to her for 2 weeks,  She came to the house when DH was at work and was crying to me and telling me that she is sick of DH manipulating her.  Blah Blah Blah.  Well DH finally went and talked to her and he said he would like it if she would not smoke around DD even outside.  We only see her one or 2 days a week for a couple of hours so we are not asking her to quit just go a couple of hours.  She told him no and I am sure she was yelling.  She says there is no such thing as second hand smoke and its not her fault DH smoked.  She flat out refused to not smoke when she is around DD.  She told DH that the last 10 months since DD has been born have been horrible meaning that she feels that she has not gotten her way and DH has changed.  Yes he has he is trying to do what is best for DD.  She is so self centered its crazy.  Its all about her all the time. 

WEll the conversation eneded with her telling DH that he is no longer her son and shes done.  So she basically cut DD out too.  She has no family because she cut both her siblings out of her life too.  I am sorta happy becuase I can't stand her but I have a feeling they will make up at some point.  I feel bad for DD because I don't want her Grandmother to be in out of her life and for her to watch DH fight with her all the time.  Ugh.  I am so glad my family is not like this.  Thanks for listening had to get it off my chest.

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