Upstate NY Babies

Anyone know anything about trouble regulating heat?

Tyler seems to have a hard time regulating heat.  When it is cold, he is always really cold.  Like swimming at the pool at the Y, after 15-20 minutes I would have to take him out of the water because his lips would turn blue and he would be shivering.  He has to have his water HOT, this includes his shower or bath water, we had to stop giving Ty and B baths together because he needs his water so hot and she cries it is to hot.  We noticed today that he gets super sweaty and confused when it is hot outside.  He wasn't dehydrated or anything, but we went swimming then a 20 min car ride with the AC blasting.  We then went to field days and just 10 minutes after being there, he was wondering around confused, sweating like crazy and his heat was all red.  The rest of us were warm, but nothing like him.  Bri was running circles around him and didn't break a sweat.  I have pointed out his reactions to heat/cold to his pedi but it was quickly blown off.  We know he has absolutely no known, identified genetic disorders.  It is a good thing we have central air.  Looks like we will have to be shut ins all week :-(
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