Single Parents

Those who's X's are involved in LO's life

If you have a regular visitation schedule and X actually takes the visits, is involved in LO's life, what sort of contact do you/LO have with him in between visits?

Does he call to talk to LO or check in to see how LO is doing?  Do you sporatically touch base with them for any reason other than logistics of visits, emergencies, how the doctor check up went, things like that?

I used to tell STBXH how LO's day was or if he would do something cute or whatever, but now that we're officially done, I haven't been doing that.  He hasn't called to see how LO is for over a week now.  Do you think I should be informing him of how LO is doing?  Somehow I know he's going to twist this into ME not calling him and being the bad guy in the situation (but we all know the phone works both ways...) What would you do?

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