North Carolina Babies

Have to share an awesome story!

I just have to share this story....A lady in our church offered to be a surrogate for her friend who was unable to get pregnant.  They transferred 2 eggs...and lo and behold both eggs took, and one she ended up pregnant with triplets! (1 set of identical (i think) twins and a single!)  Anyway...she carried the triplets to 35 weeks...and they were born last Wednesday weighing in at 5p7o, 4p6o, and 3p7.  The twins (the smaller 2) spent 24 hours in the NICU for observation since they were small...but after 24 hours all 3 girls were in the newborn nursery.  ALL THREE of the girls went home today...4 days after they were born!  God is so good!  Just had to share a happy story!
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