Baton Rouge Babies

Double Stroller???

Hi. I am expecting my third child in December. I currently have a 5 year old and a 9 month old. I need a double stroller!! I am overwhelmed by all of the many choices and conflicting reviews. I am looking for a double stroller that will accomodate my soon to be newborn all the way up to the possibility of my 5 year old, who is 42 pounds, wanting to take a ride. I also would like for it to fold up easily so that I can get it quickly into my trunk. I also currently have a toyota camry, so I need for it to be able to easily fit into my trunk. I plan to use the stroller on a daily basis from taking walks around campus to going to the mall. Therefore, I would also need for it to easily be able to fit into doorways. I also would like for it to be easy to steer. Any suggestions??
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