Single Parents

The Ex is pissed now...kinda long..WWYD?

I posted earlier that my ex lost his job yesterday and wanted ideas on visitation, etc...  Well, after talking with a few friends/co-workers and my mom I sent him an e-mail informing he could have LO every Wed. Thurs and Fri. during my work hours and the 2nd and 4th Sunday.  That way LO would stay familiar with SAHM that cares for him and he could look for work.  Well, the SH** hit the fan, that's for sure!

After work when I met him at the police parking lot (our pickup/drop off location)  He informed me that mediation is off the table as I was playing games and that I am now taking his Sundays away from him.  Well, he is actually getting more time.  He was having LO every Tues and Thurs. from 6-8pm and Sunday 1-6pm.  Now he will have him 3 work days 7-4:30pm and EO Sunday 2-7pm. 

I looked on FB later and he posted the below:

Direct Quote:"Yesterday I joined the ranks of the unemployed. My sons mom (Cu**) is palying even more games, she's lucky I don't belive in violence against women. I just feel sorry for my son who has to deal with her stupid ass. Damn 46 years old and who would have thought I would be in this fu**ed up situation. The only blessed thing to come out of this past year is Sebastian. I regret the day (my name here) ever came into my life."

And this an hour after the one above:

Direct Quote: "God knows I'm trying hard not to hate that bit** right now.Please pray for me and my sole the devil is ever so present in my life right now. How am I ever going to parent with this evil evil, cold hearted, emotioanlly detached selfish person. When I look at her she makes me sick to my stomach"

He is loosing it.  I am actually concerned.  He is Bi-Polar and I think he may have some kind of Paranoid personality disorder, as he seems to fit all the critera.  Now, I am wondering if I should continue to allow LO to be there as often.  I left a message for my lawyer, but I truely do not know what to do.

What are your thoughts??

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