Single Parents

What can I do? Re: XH doing drugs

I have known since he left he was on drugs.  I know for a fact he smokes weed and takes pain pills.  I had him take a drug test in front of me and he tested positive for THC and Opiates.  I have had very strong suspicions he was doing meth for a long time.  He showed all the signs and his gf did too.  She has been certifiably psychotic for the past year.  I begged for a drug test in court but he wouldn't do it and my lawyer said the judge wouldn't give him one if I didn't have a good enough reason.  I really think I should have pressed the issue, but she advised me not to.  Our divorce is final and visitation is all set up now, but I found out something unsettling last night.  His gf's husband text me last night and told me when they dropped her kids off with him both my XH and his gf were totally messed up.  He said she practically fell out of the truck and XH couldn't say the kids' names without slurring.  He said there is no way they were only drinking.  But either way they were both under the influence of something and they drove with 3 children in the car.  Sorry that was a long backstory, but my question is what can I do?  She takes random drug tests from DHS because she failed the initial one.  I don't want my kids in this enviornment.  I don't know what else to do!
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