Upstate NY Babies

Frustrated/DH still not home much

Sorry.. I have to vent..

DH just told me he won't be home for dinner, and he's going to be pretty late.  I feel like crying.  It is like this all the time.  Things have been so much better since he graduated his MBA program (because I literally barely saw him for 1.5 years), but he is still SO busy.  We rarely have dinner together, and like tonight, I had the expectation that we would have dinner together, but now he won't be home.  So I'm guessing the veggies I bought will rot by the time we ever have time to cook them.

And then I'm left hanging because I didn't make plans, and I tend to have a hard time figuring out what to do in the evenings with the kids by myself, people aren't usually available on such short notice.  I'm just tired and frustrated.

Yesterday I saw DH for maybe 2 minutes.  He came home from work and watched the kids for an hour while I went to the dentist, and then left as soon as I stepped in the door and wasn't home til midnight (I was already in bed).  I have no idea when he'll be home today.

Then on top of that, I get frustrated because there are like 5 million projects that are partially done... generally on hold for years... sprinkler system, master bathroom, swingset, electrical projects, etc.  As it is I do all the housework and yard work, the other stuff I can't do (because I don't know how or I can't do it since I'm on my own watching 2 kids all day).  I'm the one tripping over all this crap (like construction materials or making sure the kids don't go in the playhouse portion of the swingset since the sides aren't up - awesome).

Usually it's not too bad but a few days of not being home or this last minute stuff and I feel kind of overwhelmed.  The irony is that when DH is home an evening or weekend, he's going to have to do some of the work that is piled up, because I can't take it.  I wish there was a happy medium between being ambitious/busy and having more free time.  I'm not trashing my DH, he works so hard, but we really need more family time/home time.

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