Cloth Diapering

NCDR - what a crap hole week!

The house was struck by lightning and we have over 5K in damages.  Someone stole our credit card info and tried to charge over 3K in online purchases.  This was only discovered when I went to check-out at target and had my CC denied (love that!!!).  I missed the cable guy call by 1 ring and he skipped our appt so I got all huffy with the cable company until he rescheduled me later that day.  I LOVE waiting for the cable guy all freakin' day.  And to top it off the Target cashier double rang up stupid sposies.

Plus we didn't win the lottery last night.  (We don't normally play, but it would have been nice.)

I just need the week to be over so I can move on already.  Or I need a 6-pack.

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