North Carolina Babies

Crazy mom strikes again!

Really, it's my own damn fault......there has a been A LOT of in-law drama lately and I made the mistake of saying, to multiple people, that my ILs were making my crazy family seem normal. WRONG.

Just got back from visiting my family.....and I've talked about CrazyMom here plenty.  And really, she's been good for awhile.  But I know better.   We went last Thursday, and by Sunday it was on.  I could tell during the day a fight was brewing.  And she let loose Sunday night.  This time, so crazy that we would've left that night if I could've gotten ahold of my friend (it was late and they were sleeping....but she said we should've just packed up and come anyway......thank goodness for amazing friends!!!).  We left 1st thing Monday morning and stayed with my friend.  Didn't see CrazyMom again until this morning to let her spend a little more time with the kiddos (on the condition she visit with them and leave me alone). 

But at this point I am officially done with her.  It's too much to type out about her tirade of terror, but it started with her chewing DH and I both out for taking our kids out for ice cream at the spur of the moment after visiting my dad and she called us "rude and insensitive" because we didn't call her to see if she wanted some.  She even told my DH later that she wouldn't have wanted any of course, but it was the gesture!  WTF!!!!!!   Indifferent

Every time we got to CT I try to convince DH we should move there (because I love my hometown)........and every time by the end of the trip I am reminded of why I left.  My mom's friend even told me yesterday (when I told her what happened) that the best thing I ever did was move away and I could never come back as long as Mom is there.  I'm just sad because now I'm not sure if I'll ever get to go home again (because I refuse to see her anymore).  


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