Single Parents

I'm a newbie...sort of

I used to post all the time when I was pregnant with DD, I just found this board.  I am so relieved and encouraged that there are others out there with such young children who are single moms.  I have a 3 year old and a soon to be one year old.  My ex-husband left me the day before my son was born last July.  I had PIH, so the stress caused my bp to shoot up and the baby was in distress so they took him a month early.  Come to find out he left me for my BFF who he is now living with along with her 4 kids.  I have been through absolute hell the past year.  I ended up with PPD and was barely hanging by a thread for a while.  My divorce was final on the 1st of this month, and I am doing much better. I am currently a SAHM, live with my grandmother and I'm majoring in Elementary Education at Ole Miss. I am so glad I found this board, I have been needing a place where people know what I am feeling.
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