North Carolina Babies


Hey!  Just wanted to say congrats on number 3!!  And its not so bad being out numbered!  You get used to it, but I'm sure you'll do great!  Natalie will be old enough for this one I'm sure she'll be a big helper!  The hardest thing for me with 3 is feeling like I'm not giving enough 1 on 1 I finally learned that its ok to tell one of them "I'm busy, please come back in a few minutes" when one of mine really needs some special time.  They have handled that well, and now when one of them is snuggling on my lap and someone tries to interrupt the one on my lap will say "we're busy, please come back in just a minute" and the others respect that.  I think it helps them to know that its OK to have Mommy all to them selves for a little while.  We also have designated nights of the week that they get to snuggle in Mommy's bed for a little while.  Kathryn is on Sunday night, Kimberly on Tuesday and Jeremiah on Friday.  

Anyway, didn't mean to go off on a tangent, just wanted to say congrats!!

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