Upstate NY Babies

Do you have a Will?

My dh and I really need to do one.  I'm mostly concerned about who we will have as a guardian for our boys.  I really want my sister to be the guardian and I know she would want to.  However, my Brother-in-Law is not someone I would EVER want raising my children.  I wouldn't even want my kids spending the night over there.  He's very much a disciplinarian and we have such opposite ways of parenting.  He's very strict and does such idiotic things.  I have two nieces and he can be rough with them.  I do not believe in any form of physical punishment so there is no way I'd want my boys alone with him.  As I said, I don't even want them spending the night over there and they never have.  I worry what he would do if they ever acted out.  He doesn't beat my nieces or anything like that, but he definitely disciplines in a way that I don't feel is right.  And he's just not a very sensitive or loving type of Father.  My sister and I are SO close so this is really hard.  She would be so hurt if she knew I didn't name her guardian but I will tell her my reasoning if she ever asks. did you decide who would be the guardian(s)?  I really want my Dad and Step-Mom but they're in their 60's and have obviously already raised their kids.  They travel a ton.  I know they would do it without hesitation if we asked, but then I feel like maybe we shouldn't ask them.  And my dh has an older Brother who is married but he lives outside of NYC so we wouldn't want to uproot our boys there.  Most of our family lives here. 

Such a hard and big decision!!  And it's just really sad to think about if this were really to happen.  I know it most likely wouldn't but of course you have to be prepared.

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