Single Parents


well im usually just a lurker, but i have a question.
so im sure this has been asked at some point so sorry for asking it again..

heres a little background so your not confused..

the 'sperm donor' and i were never married and when i got pregnant he left and i havent talked to him since i was like 5 months pregnant and he moved to another city like 3 hours away..

so my question is.. do me and him have the same rights .. ive talked to a couple poeple about it and one lady said that we do and another said that we dont.

im in the process of establishing paternity (but he was a no show.. big surprise).

im also in the process of getting full custody just to be safe.. but the one lady i talked to said i shouldnt have to get full custody bc i already have it. so im so confused.. do i or what?
either way im going to get full custody so its on paper leagally.

thanks for the help.

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