Single Parents

He's pushing me to the edge

I don't know what is going on with him, but XH is really pisssing me off. In the last 2 months I've caught him in lies and he's been late almost every time he's supposed to pick up M. He's always been self-centered, but this is taking it to a new level.

Six weeks ago, despite the fact that we'd talked and texted throughout the day, he didn't bother telling me that his parents took M for an overnight and wouldn't be in daycare. I found out when daycare called to tell me not to bring in breakfast the next day because she had some left from the day before. When I asked why she didn't eat it that day, I was told that she didn't come in. WTF?!?!?! How can I not know where my own child is?!!?! I chewed his asss out and he apologized and said it wouldn't happen again.

Not even two weeks later, he lied to me about where he had taken M over the weekend. He took her to his girlfriend's house to meet her teenage daughters. That's not what pisssed me off though- I was mad that he told me they hung around his apartment all weekend.

Over the weekend of the 4th, I took M out of town with me. XH asked me to have her back by 6 on the 4th so he could spend some time with her. No problem. I texted him at 2pm and said we were making such good time driving home that we'd be there by 5. No response. 6pm came and went without a phone call. M kept asking "where's my daddy?" Finally I texted him at 6:25 to ask where the hell he was and he said he was 15 minutes away. Well, he didn't arrive until 7:10! His girlfriend pulled in behind him and he finally confessed that he hadn't been 10 minutes away. Yeah, no sh!t Sherlock.

His parents spend every Wednesday with M. Last week, I get home and notice their car isn't in front of his apt (he lives 4 doors down from me), but I did see a car that looked like his girlfriend's. I texted him and asked if his parents picked M up and he confessed that his girlfriend did. Once again, we'd been texting and emailing back and forth that day! I was so fvcking pisssed that I told him if the lying and non-communication about M continues, I'll get lawyers involved.

We've been doing so well without lawyers. Everything has been mediated between us. I've been totally flexible and agreeable about everyfvckingthing. My friends have even commended me on being so amicable. But he is totally taking advantage of the situation and it's really fvcking pushing me to the edge. Is it wrong that I feel I should know where my child is and with whom???

Just one more reminder why this divorce was the best idea ever!

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