North Carolina Babies

2.5-3 y/o consignment sale shopping list..what's on yours?

So the Fall/Winter consingment sale season is getting ready to kick off in our area, with the biggest and best of the sales starting this week. I tagged $312 worth of stuff this weekend to sell and hope I make maybe half that..

With buying stuff, my main focus is clothes. Just general fall/winter stuff including a winter coat, as well as ski bibs and snow boots (which if I find them, will mean we most certainly will not get any snow this winter. hehe).

Holly is into jigsaw puzzles right now, so I plan to look for some of those and other manipulative-type toys/games. I want to get her a wooden dollhouse for Christmas/her birthday, so I might look for accessories for that.

Otherwise I'm drawing a blank on what we might need.. What's on your shopping list for your 2.5/3 year old?

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