Upstate NY Babies

AW: Working Girl

So in my previous life I was a graphic designer for a regional company (4 branches)..and I LOVED my job. I loved designing and marketing and all the errands I had to run to printers and sign shops, etc. The product isn't exactly exciting - but I made the best of it. I worked with one more girl who had been there for a few years before me.

Well - she just quit a couple of weeks ago (they never really replaced me with a designer - just an office person - so my co-worker was the main designer and this new girl took over the office stuff)

I kinda had this lightbulb go off that maybe they would want me to help with some designing...since I already know everything about the products, the computer system, etc. So I sent a little email and YES they do!!

So, so excited!! I can do projects around my schedule...contribute to the household (not feel as guilty when I want to buy something for myself :) I can still be creative and communicate with other adults! And maybe once the kids are in school I can go into the office a couple of times a week - a reason to put on pants with buttons instead of elastic!! 

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