Single Parents

For those who have a SO

Does your SO have children as well?  I was totally not looking for anything remotely romantic after my disaster with Dr. Wonderful, and have been focusing completely on DS.  But of course when you're not looking is when something (or someone rather) seems to fall in your lap.

We are taking it EXTREMELY slow, just talking/emailing every day and he has not met Barrett yet, though he knows about him of course.  While he is comfortable with the fact that I have a baby he does not have any children and I wonder if he really realizes what it entails.  He lives with his brother and nephew (who is 5) so I don't think he's completely in the dark about kids or anything, but new infants are much different than small children.

On the other hand if your SO has children I guess you may be dealing with BM/step parent type issues. 

I know all of this is very premature, but I honestly haven't thought about dating with a baby before and now it's on my mind, if not for this relationship than for future ones.  Any opinions/insights?

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