Upstate NY Babies

Those with potty trained LOs

I have a few "is this normal" type questions :)

1. Do they pee a TON when they're 1st potty training? After Justin's 1st pee on the potty- I went bananas celebrating/making a big deal. This was at like noon yesterday- then he peed NINE more times that day.(yay!) I think he was loving the praise... or do little kids just pee a lot?

2. Did you still put them in a diaper to sleep? (SIL does, so I did) He napped with no diaper and woke up dry. I can't always get to him when he 1st wakes in the morning b/c I'm usually with the babies.

3. Any strategies for when they're playing outside or in public. <knock on wood> it's going SOOO well but I'm petrified to take him away from the toilet now.

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