Upstate NY Babies

Family Drama - Parties

So, we had Bri's second birthday party this past weekend.  It basically ended up being my parents & grandmother, then MIL and SIL.  My one sister was out of state for a dog show, the other (with 6 month old twins) who lives in Albany was supposedly working her new job.  Fine.  So on Monday my mom tells me she is planning a birthday party at her house for my grandmother this upcoming sunday, she makes it sound like she just thought of it.  So this morning she calls and tells me the party is at her house at noon and gives me a long list of who is coming (including cousins) and the list includes my sister who supposedly started her new job.  I asked why she wasn't working and my mom says she starts the following week which was why she was doing the party this week instead of the following.  When I called her out on it, she said my sister couldn't afford to come out both weekends so my mom told her to only come out for her party!  So, apparently, this party has been in the plans for a while without my knowledge.  I happened to be online when my sister was supposedly at work last weekend and she online.  I asked her, she said she didn't have to go in until the evening.  So she intentionally lied to me.  I am hurt.  It is obvious that my mom went out of her way to keep the party a secret so I wouldn't know that my sister could have come out.  I am not so much mad about the fact that she didn't come, but the fact that they went out of their way to lie to me.  And I am sure my mother convinced her to come for her party rather than mine because my mother is super selfish, always has been. 

So the party is Sunday @ noon, which is Bri's nap time.  Bri's schedule has been screwed up all week and she has been up all night almost every day, note I am writing at 3am.  I reminded her it is B's naptime but she picked that time because of my other sister's schedule.  So I told her we probably wouldn't make the party because it is B's naptime.  I am not going to mess with her schedule again after this week!  She just said, "Oh, whatever" with an attitude and got off the phone.  Part of me feels like I am being stupid and adding drama to stupid, needless drama.  The other part of me feels like I was decieved on purpose and shouldn't  inconvenience myself for my mother's benefit.  My grandmother is old, probably her last birthday.  She loves Bri, her favorite great grandchild (out of dozens) but doesn't like Ty at all.  Same with my mom, she calls Ty a nasty little boy and always finds a way to criticize my parenting choices in front of everyone.  This past Sun @ B's party was no exception.  So it isn't like I even really want to go.  I dread holidays and birthdays.  I am also a little bitter that no one even called for Bri's birthday, my sister didn't even say anything in the brief online exchange the day of B's party.  Maybe I am just being a brat.

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