Single Parents

$$ / lawyer / CO question - asking for a friend

My BFF left her DH a year ago after years of hardcore drinking and painkillers on his part.  After she left, she moved in w/ her dad in a neighboring state, about a 2 hour drive away with their two kids.  He cleaned up, went to meetings, and was doing really well, all things considered.  He gives her a set amount of money for the kids, as well as incidental money when she needs it because she isn't making much working as a CNA for her dad.  He was getting the kids roughly every other weekend, though he often gave them to his parents for at least one of his nights. None of this was in writing, and no paperwork was ever done because he was hoping for a reconciliation and she didn't have the money to get anything done, plus I think he threatened to cut off the generous CS he was paying if she did.  I think she'd get less if a court decided it, because he makes very little money on the record - he owns his own business and the finances are handled creatively. 

Fast forward to now - he is back on the drugs and drinking.  Sometime in the last week, he drove 30 minutes from his house to his parents with his 4 and 6 year olds, his 13 year old niece, and her friend, while drinking a beer.  This came out because the friend refused to get back in the car with him to go home.  I heard it from his SIL, and I don't know if my BFF knows it happened.  But, I plan to tell her.  The SIL sees him often and told me today she does not believe the kids are safe when they are with him. 

 So, all of this brings me to:  What can my friend do when she has NO money, to get some things official as far as visitation, CS, etc.?  I know she can refuse to send the kids with him, and she'd like him to have to pass a drug test before he can take them once things are written down.  Is there some public agency that could help her get a separation order done, or start divorce proceedings, without her shelling out for a lawyer?  I don't know where to direct her to call.   TIA for any help or advice.

Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

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