Upstate NY Babies

speaking of cold turkey

We "threw away" all Justin's diapers (i packed them away for the other kids, lol). With only 2 months til pre-K we have no choice but to potty train. We're following the 3 day program (thanks JenJar!).

This morning he did nothing until like 9:30, I watched him like a hawk. Then all the sudden he screams... "I need a diaper!!!" and runs behind the couch. I sprinted to grab him but we didn't make it-he pooped in his underwear and was all upset crying.

It's so hard to try to watch him for potty "signs" when taking care of the twins. I'm trying to pump or feed them riiight after he goes so I'm sure he won't go again. In 2 1/2 years of being a mommy this is my least favorite/most frustrating thing I've done :(

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