Upstate NY Babies


Thank Goodness Its Tuesday!  Tyler started summer school today!  I love my kids and we have had a great week and a half since school got out, but thank goodness Ty went back to school today.  The two of them were so whiney and defiant this morning, I flipped out trying to get them in the car.  Bri was down right refusing to get into her seat, screaming, flailing, arching her body but had one foot out toward T trying to kick him, he was screaming back at her, leg across the car kicking her.  I was just trying to get him to school, 20 minutes just trying to buckle them in and I lost!  And you have never heard a kid screech until you have heard Ty's screech/scream!  Getting in the car was just the tip of the ice berg, they were super special ALL MORNING!  But I got him there, safely.  And now Bri is napping and I am having the first quiet, alone time I have had in two weeks.  I am hoping the bus ride home is smooth, it is a different bus company so everything will be different.  Ty doesn't do well with change.
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