Upstate NY Babies

Anyone have homeowners claim experience?

If you didn't see my FB post......Our uphill neighbors pool broke yesterday, sending 80,000 or so gallons of water into our yard....tidal wave style (2 hours after our last party guest left!).

Our basement got a little water down the walls by the windows, no biggie. But our yard is now full of stone, concrete chunks, and mulch. It washed about 10 bags of our mulch away too. 

Neighbor said he will contact his insurance, but I don't know how that works. Do we tell him about how much mulch we lost and let him get someone to clean up the debris? Should we just go ahead and clean it? Should I take pics?

I am so thankful our party was over, it could have been really serious. That water went over the chain link fence and had enough force to knock anything/anyone out of it's path. Their little boys were in the pool too, they are fine....just traumatized. =( 


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