North Carolina Babies

PTing is exhausting

We started our version of the 3 day method on Saturday, basically just putting him in undies and telling him to let us know when he had to go but we still have left the house, done pull ups at night and nap and not been crazy about it.  I think so far he has done pretty well, we've had accidents but he also has been great about going poop and pee on the potty.  The biggest issues we seem to have are incomplete emptying so we go in every 3 minutes so he can pee a little and then he says he's done only to pee a minute later on the floor or possibly make it back to the toilet.  The other issue that seems to be getting a little better is how he lets us know and the amount of time we have.  He was just grabbing himself saying uh-oh and we would have 10 seconds to make it, haha.  Now he will at least say potty or run towards the potty but we still don't have much time.

Anyone have tips for the incomplete emptying?  I have tried letting him go, praising him and then having us sing a song or count to 10 and trying again, but he gets a little antsy sometimes and wants to get down.  I'm hoping the timing will get better as he gets it more.  But I am so tired from running back and forth to the toilet, he wants either the big potty or his potty, cleaning up pee, and so on...  And he must be too because he has taken 3+ hour naps each day and slept late every morning :)

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