Upstate NY Babies

Wanna hear about our night last night?

So we were planning on going to see the Canada Day fireworks from our side of the river last night.. I looked online and they were supposed to start at 10.. which is obviously past bedtime for Eve, but whatever.. So we get down there.. and by the time we get our blanket and everything set up.. its like 9:55.. so it was perfect timing.. so we waited.. and waited and waited.. there were lots of other people waiting around too.. and NOTHING.. They never did fireworks.. We waited til a few min after 11, just in case they decided to start a full HOUR late.. We still have no idea why there were no fireworks.. but we were pretty pissed. Eve really didn't care, thank goodness.. she was just happy that we had a little family adventure and sat down by the water for awhile.. She was happy to just look at the few boats that went by..

So then we get the girls loaded back in the car.. and realize the car is FILLED with bugs.. mostly mosquitos, but some bigger bugs and moths too..they must have been attracted to the dome lights in the car.. There were literally hundreds of bugs in the car. So Jeff and I are trying to smash them all onto the roof of the car (Yeah the inside of my car looks awesome covered in bug guts right now).. I end up inadvertently elbowing him in the cheekbone.. he has a BRUISE (and yes, we have family pictures tomorrow). He yells at me and tells me to stop helping..I take offense (not even realizing I hit him) and we get in a huge fight.. Also at some point I yelled "***!" because we were under attack by mosquitos and of course Eve started repeating it over and over. It was pretty awesome.. Finally we managed to kill most of the bugs.. I don't think anyone got bit (eve and I had bug spray on from a few hours before.. but DH and Natalie didn't).

We didn't get home until midnight.. Eve probably didn't fall asleep until after 1 am and was of course still up before 8am.. Natalie's long "sleep" of the night was in her carseat.. I slept on the couch for a bit and finally woke her up around 3 and nursed her.. I managed to get back in bed by 4.. but I asked DH to go downstairs to get me a drink.. and the poor guy must have wandered downstairs, not remembered what he went down for and fallen asleep on the couch.. so when N woke up at 6:20, I didn't know why DH wasn't in bed, and he didn't know how he had gotten on the couch..

So yeah.. lots of holiday family fun to be had.. :?
Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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