Single Parents

mothers of 8 month old or abouts..

How do you calm down with no one there to help you? My son is teething and EXTREMELY CRANKY!!!!!!!!! I am really starting to feel stressed out. I am a new mom. I am going crazy, he won't sleep refusses to nurse, crys and screams when i lay him down till i finally cave in and pick him up. He just laughs when I say "no"...I am almost to wits end I really need help. Lukus and mommy have been up sense 130am this morning!!!!!! He took a nap at daycare but I had to work....They told me he was cranky all day for them too :( I don't know what to do I have tried letting him cry but I can only do that for so long before I start cring along with him. I have not had any sleep!!!! been up with him worked 9 hours and home with cranky baby!!!! My folks are outta town so I can't just call them to take him for a few....HELP!!!!!!! I am stressed and tensed up and freaking out inside!!!!!!!

I gave him a teething ring, stuff to chew on, tried to nurse him then tried oatmeal/jar food, ice cubes, changed him 100 times, Tylonol and tried lettign him just cry it out, rocking him....NOTHING IS WORKING....

I just put him in his jumper and he is ok for now. But I know he will start screaming if I leave his site or as soon as he hits his mouth on on of the toys :( He has 4 teeth...Didn't bug him or me till just last night to now....

Sorry Ladies I just really need advice right now.

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