Upstate NY Babies

What a long day...

The girls are finally in bed. Molly is coughing like crazy...Chelsea isn't much better. Ended up taking them to the pedi this afternoon b/c Chelsea's fever hit 102, and Molly basically just cried all morning and early afternoon. She also only took a 20 minute nap. Chelsea, on the other hand, took her first nap in 6 months...for an hour and a half! So, I obviously knew something was wrong!

Anyway....just a nasty cold for Chelsea, which she picked up from Molly. And Molly has an ear infection. What a way to spend her first birthday. She wasn't even into her cupcake she just smushed it and then cried to get out of her highchair. Crying I'm hoping for a much better reaction at her party next week! After dinner she bf'd, puked on me, bf'd some more, and then went out like a light.

Overall not the way I wanted to spend her 1st. We are supposed to be out with friends at fireworks right now. Oh year I guess! Sorry this ended up being kinda long...

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