Single Parents

Update! "I'm kind of worried"

So I posted the other day that my Mom was missing. Well The following day she was still not home. So my stepdad and I decided to call the sheriffs department to file a missing persons report. Well, while I was talking to the police telling them what had happened the other day, my Mom calls. So we call her back on my cell. Mom was 4 hours away, almost completely across the state. My stepdad asked what she was doing there. She said she tried to kill herself.

Apparently what was supposed to happen the day before was that my parents were supposed to talk about their finances. My stepdad is the one with a job right now, he was giving my Mom most of his paychecks to pay the bills. Well, my stepdad started noticing things becoming unpaid. He suspects my mom was gambling the money and not paying the bills. Well my mom freaked because she knew she screwed up. Took the rest of their money, went to a different casino, tried to gamble the money back. When that failed she took all the vicodin that she stole from me. Well luckily she threw that up, but she tried cutting herself and failed too.

I am so angry with her right now. I know that the only reason why she even did this was to get attention and pity from my stepdad so that she couldn't get into trouble (yes my mom is that childish). However, what scares me the most is what could of happened. She was supposed to be babysitting my DD that day. However, I was on medical leave so I had her. I just thought about what could of happened and freaked. I left for my aunts that night and stayed with her for a night. Then my DD stayed with her for 2 days so I could work and get this sorted out.

I no longer trust my mom. She is not allowed to be alone with my DD anymore. I now have to find a new place to live. I don't want my DD around her. She went crazy. She is getting treatment. However, my stepdad isn't doing it fast enough. She didn't get institutionalized for 72 hours and it will be 3 weeks before she goes into treatment. I don't want her around my child until she goes through treatemtn and does gamblers anonymous and AA. So I am leaving this house, finding new childcare, and not really talking to her. I just am upset and don't know what to do.

Sorry this was so long, I am not trying to just air my dirty laundry out there. I really do not have anyone to talk to about this. My stepdad told me not to tell anyone. I only have D to talk to about this. I am looking for some suggestions on what to do. Thank you. 

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