Upstate NY Babies

Catherine & Emily are here! (PIPs)

Hey ladies! Just wanted to update you all that my girls are here! They were born on Tuesday June 28th at 4:02 & 4:04 am after my water broke at home! I had some contractions going to the hospital then when I got there I was checked and at 7cm's! A few nurses commented that it was too bad I couldn't attempt a vaginal delivery because I was doing so well that far along, with minimal pain really. Oh well. 

So then my dr. rushed in and the c-section was performed quickly! No complications or anything weird - recovery has been a breeze honestly (way better than I thought) and my girls are perfectly healthy and happy! It was an amazing experience and I'm so enamored with my little angels. DH is being the most amazing father in the world. He is helping me more than I even ask, and he's always cuddling with the babies. He's so amazing. 

So without further ado, introducing Catherine Elizabeth ( 5 lbs 3 oz 18 3/4 in.) and Emily Marie (5lbs 19 in.)!

(Cate on left, Emily on right)








A Tale of Two Babies, My Pregnancy/Baby Blog
Le Petit Pierogi, My Food Blog Photobucket
TTC for 1.5 years due to PCOS - we are now blessed with twin girls from the help of IUI & Injects! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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