Single Parents

Supervised visitation

If you have or had supervised visitation, how did you get it?

Ex is suing me for standard visitation which here is everyother weekend, alternating holidays and 2 weeks in the summer. He has only met DD 3 times and has an alcohol problem. He has 2 other kids and I have documented the things he has done while having them (driving drunk to take them home, taking them to stay at crack houses etc.) He has 2 DUIs but when my lawyer tried to look them up they have been esponged(sp?) . So I'm assuming this can't be brought up in court?

I'm just terrified he is going to get to take her overnight. I know eventually he will get standard visitation but I want to push that back as far as I can. I have soo many reasons documented as to why he should not have her overnight but I'm still worried because he already has standard visitation set up with his other kids, but their mom's are just as bad parents as he is so they don't care what he does with them.

Also, I'm not breastfeeding. I know that can be another reason for him not taking her overnight.

Sorry this is long and TIA for any input.

TTC #2 since June 2012
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