Upstate NY Babies

Need to vent (long)

I feel like such a whiner, but I think I need to just get this out somewhere.

I'm getting bigger and bigger, and feeling more like a failure with Rosie.  Poor thing wants to go to playgrounds and run in the backyard and play tag, and I just don't have the energy to do that, especially when it's hot.  Even something simple like a quick trip to Wegmans takes a long time and either Rosie or I end up having a meltdown.  Yesterday she had tantrums because I wouldn't let her pick out her own cereal, she didn't want to be buckled into her car seat, and then after the 2 minute ride home did not want to leave her car seat.  So now I feel like I'm trapped in the house with her all day long.

My mom left yesterday to go visit her family in Europe and won't be back until August 7th, so I can't call her to vent like I usually do.  Rosie doesn't have preschool over the summer, and there are no camps or classes that she can attend around here.  I was going to sign her up for swim lessons with DH, and of course he can't do it on the night it's offered because of work. 

I have a gift certificate for a prenatal massage, I think I really need to use it!

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