Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Rec your top of the stairs gate

I need to get a top of the stairs gate for our hallway and I can't really figure out if one is better than another.

Also, I need one of those gates that goes between a wall and the banister at the bottom of the stairs, those are hard to find, anyone found one yet?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers TTC#2afterM/C Started TTC 5/09, 6/09 right tube loss (fallopian torsion), 11/09 dx PCOS, 12/09 BFP #1 (DD born emergency c/s and wound infection), 8/12 dx Lupus (ANA+/APA-)on Plaquenil, 12/12 BFP #2 @ 14 dpo (beta=17), 17 dpo (beta=27), 21 dpo (beta=110) and 25 dpo (beta=140) possible ectopic natural m/c 6w 2d. We will miss you
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