Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Did bedtime get later around now?

DD hasn't slept through the night in weeks. Granted she was sick but she still hasn't gotten her bearings after over a week of being well. Last night they went down at 8 for DS and 8:30 for DD. They slept through the night until i woke them at 6:30 this morn.

In the past we have tried to put them to bed later but they would still wake. Is now around the time where we should make it later?  Or was i just lucky last night lol.

Bedtime routine usually starts at 6:30 and they are in bed by 7ish. Latest is usually 7:30.

Any help would be so appreciated. They are almost 9 mos old so i figured i'd try you ladies as well as the 6-9 board.


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