Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Down to one nap?

Z used to be a REALLY good napper.  Like 2 hour morning nap and 3 hour afternoon nap.  Now his morning nap is about an hour and his afternoon nap is 45 minutes.  He used to wake up from his naps smiley and happy, now he wakes up crying and crabbing.  Am I making him nap too much so they aren't quality naps anymore?

Should I get rid of the morning nap?  When did you get rid of the morning nap?  How long is your afternoon nap??

Also, he has no teeth yet, so it may be due to teething.  I'm waiting patiently for a tooth to pop through.

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker My birthson who came before I was ready. He doesn't call me mom but I love him just the same. ~7/10/99~
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