Single Parents

honest advice

ok ladies, you guys are as ruthless as they come. lol kidding aside, I need you guys to help me out with something.

I'm a mom to a 4month old and she is my world. But lately I have been feeling so sad, depressed. I'm not with her father, but I find myself missing him still even though I don't want to anymore. I lack the strength to get over it. I lack the ability to see him and not want to cry. I for the past couple of days have been siting here looking like a zombie because I don't even know how to feel anymore. I guess what I am asking is to hear, get you frackin act together! hear someone's story of how it was hard for them but there was a light at the end of a tunnel. Because even though I know all these things, and it will get better right now I just don't see that end of my tunnel. I'm trying to stay positive because I do have a baby who needs her mommy to be happy and playful, I don't want her sensing my negative energy.  I need some positive words from you all. Please.

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