Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How often do you have it all together?

I am a full time, prego, working momma. I feel like I have it 'all together' about 56 percent of the time. (the bills are paid, the housework is done, my job is all caught up, LO sees happy and content, DH and I are not figthing, etc). The other 44 percent of the time, I feel like everything is falling apart. One thing can set it off (LO being sick, DH and I fighting, work suddenly seeming uncertain, house is a mess, LO suddenly waking up 6x a night, etc)

So, some nights I sit there and smugly think 'this is easy!" Other nights, it's a trainwreck. Example, the night that DH set the vaccuum on fire (we came home, it was freezing, wood stove wouldn't light, DH vaccumed it out not knowing that there were lit embers in there= hilarity ensues as flames engulf our hardwood floors)

How often do you feel like you have it all together? Any funny stories about it falling all apart? What helps you keep it together (booze and prozac are currently taboo in my condition)?

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