Single Parents

I'm kind of worried NSPR

So I am on medical leave from work for a few days. I have a severe middle ear infection, I work at a call center wearing a headset all day. So ear infection+headset= bad ju ju. So my doc gave me a few days. Well, today was pretty normal. Woke up with DD, went upstairs, fed her breakfast, DD then woke mom up (yes I live with my parents). Well everything seemed fine. Mom was playing her FB games watching TV and I was playing with my DD.

Well D came over about 11 to take care of me. We went and hid with DD in my room. Sometime between then and 2pm Mom moved my car without asking and left. Well I didn;t think anything of it. However, now it's 2am and she isn't home yet. My step dad doesn't know where she is. He has already gone looking for her already. Checked the nearby parking lots in case she was hiding in her car reading, ran up to the casino to see if she is there. She isn't anywhere where she would normally be.

Her phone is off or dead. I called all our local family to see if any of them either knows where she is or has talked to her today. None of them know anything. My stepdad called the police and the emergency rooms to see if she turned up there. Nothing. She seemed to have taken all of my stepdad's meds out of her purse. So he thinks she is at a different casino. However, this is so unlike her. She always lets him know where she is going or me know so I can tell him.

Plus on top of that all of my Vicodin has come up missing in the last 2 days. I had 1 bottle with a few pills from a few weeks back and a big bottle from my C-section. They are both missing. I was taking them to help me sleep with my ear infection. The only other person who knew where they were was my mom. So thats a little odd as well. I just don;t know what to do. I'm worried. She has never done this before.

Anyways, sorry this is so long. I just needed to vent a little. I am worried and I cannot sleep. Thanks for listening. 

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