Babies: 9 - 12 Months

ditching the bottle...

Man! I haven't been on TB in forever! I've been pretty MIA due to a zillion different things, but then again... I was never really a frequent poster anyway! BUT I still love coming to you ladies for advice and to read other posts (No TV... it's what I do to get my daily fill of drama ;) haha). Anyway, here's my dilemma... 

I breastfed Jack until 8 months and then started supplementing with formula due to weight issues. He'd never really used a bottle before then... the only other time was the day after my 21st (what a night! lol) when he was 2 months old. Anyway, he still nurses when he wakes up but takes bottles of formula the rest of the day. He DOES drink from a straw sippy cup throughout the day (mostly with meals) but only water. He will refuse it though if he even SEES milk in it. 

SO... How did you ladies kick the bottle habit?? Idk how he would do with the cold turkey approach considering he won't take a sippy with milk in it. 


TIA :) 

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