Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Mamas of high needs babies a sleep ?

I know that all babies seem high needs but I do believe, mine fits the bill.

Anyway, we have been doing a combo of co-sleep crib sleep at night (day naps are in the crib/car/stroller) and its mostly because when I transfer her to the crib I get wails and she wakes up completely most times.

Lately, I have been experimenting and rocking her to sleep and then transfering her to her crib only a few feet away.

Sometimes it works and she rolls over and sleeps, other times she wakes up sits up in her crib and wails (wailing not new but the sitting up is).

Anyway, if she wakes up it usually means we start over with the rocking etc. till she is mostly asleep and we try to move her again.

CIO didn't work for her, pedi gave us a recommended time limit (10m) and she got to it and puked but didn't stop crying. I know CIO isn't gonna be the key.

Did anything else help you get your baby to sleep in their crib if they wake up when placed in it? I have NCSS and tried her suggestions but no luck.


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers TTC#2afterM/C Started TTC 5/09, 6/09 right tube loss (fallopian torsion), 11/09 dx PCOS, 12/09 BFP #1 (DD born emergency c/s and wound infection), 8/12 dx Lupus (ANA+/APA-)on Plaquenil, 12/12 BFP #2 @ 14 dpo (beta=17), 17 dpo (beta=27), 21 dpo (beta=110) and 25 dpo (beta=140) possible ectopic natural m/c 6w 2d. We will miss you
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