Postpartum Depression

I'm new here and not sure what to think

So my son just turned 3 months old and I am starting to have some increased anxiety and even some OCD issues.  I have many of the basic symptoms of PPD per Dr.Google, but I am puzzled by the fact that the issues have taken 3 months to start.  I did have a piece of placenta left over from the delivery, that was not caught until about 2.5 weeks ago and I had a D&C to remove it.  I don't know if that has anything to do with the late timing.  Or if it is just that I am getting closer to returning to work, or what.  I just feel like it is so weird to be starting up so late. But I feel like it gets a little worse each day.  And if it is PPD, I am worried about meds, as I have never taken any meds for anything like this before.

Guess I just needed to sound off on here.  Any thoughts or advice are greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

BFP #1 2/10/10: No HB on 4/29/10 at 15 wk, D&C 4/30/10, Baby measured 11-12 wks. First Pregnancy and first loss. BFP #2 7/25/10: Blake Daniel arrived 3/25/11 BFP #3 3/9/12: Our Turkey Baby! Due Date: 11/19/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic image
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