Babies: 9 - 12 Months

daycare food

i'm going to stop sending bottles for duncan to daycare after he turns one & just continue with the morning, noon and bedtime nursing sessions until he weans himself completely.  that being said, i am also going to stop the jar baby food when i run out of what i have at home.  i would like to start sending him "real food" to have for breakfast, lunch & snack at daycare.  any suggestions on what i can send him?  he's picky about the feel of different foods...meaning that if it's slippery or mushy (like bananas or macaroni) he won't pick it up and eat it.  however, the ladies at the daycare will spoonfeed him if they have to.  he seems to like toast with nutella, but i don't really know how to send toast without it getting hard until they have breakfast. 
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