Babies: 9 - 12 Months

confusion about bf and introducing solids

  Hi I'm visiting from 3-6 months  . . . .There is so much contradictory information that i read about starting solids! I'm interested to hear how you all incorporated them. I keep reading that before 1 year breastfeeding is still the main source of nutrition. But my ped gave me this kind of broad handout which has the baby eating 3 meals pretty soon after introducing all the veggies. This doesnt' seem consistent with a lot of what i'm reading elsewhere bc if he is eating 3 meals how much will he really be bfing?  My LO will be 5 months on Saturday. He has been on brown rice cereal for a week and started peas last night. I nurse one side, feed him the solid and then nurse the other side. I'm thinking of starting to nurse both sides before feeding him of right now I'm not really planning on giving him solids more than once a day for at least a few more months. but, i would love to hear how you introduced solids to your bf baby . . .More specficially:How old was your baby when you first introduced solidsAt what age did you start feeding them solids more than 1x a dayWhen you did this, did you drop a BF session? Fyi, I plan to try to bf until 1 year. So just trying to understand how this all works. thanks! 
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