Upstate NY Babies

Potty training...could this be confusing to a LO?

I mentioned in another post the other day that Justin started wearing underwear at his sitter's and was doing very well with it.  Over the weekend we had him wear it again.  However, he had several accidents.  We went to my niece's b-day party and I was mentioning this to my Step-Mom.  She made a comment that it's probably confusing to switch them back and forth between underwear and diapers.  Do you agree with this?  We spend a lot of time outside of the house on the weekends so I can't really put him in underwear at this point....he would have accidents.  I would love to do the 3-day training I've heard about but aren't you pretty much stuck at home for those three days?  That's not really easy for us to do since we work full-time.
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