North Carolina Babies

19 mo. -- picky eater

DD#2 has become a headache eater.  She pretty much would rather drink a full sippy of milk and eat bread than anything else.  I'm constantly fighting with her to eat something.  She used to eat whatever we made for dinner but now will just sit there and say "no" for most things we put in front of her.  Her pedi actually commented that she hadn't gained any weight since her 15 mo. appt which might not be a big deal if she's still finding her place on the weight curve but something to watch out for.  Any suggestions on how to get my 19 mo. old to stop being picky?  We no longer give her a full sippy of milk before eating.  She only gets a little during dinner and then the rest after so she won't fill up on milk first. 

Does your LO eat whatever you're making or do you just make something different for him/her?  DD#1 for the most part has always eaten whatever we've made so I've not faced this before.  I'm tempted to just start making DD#2 separate sandwiches etc. for meals since she won't eat what we're having usually.  But then she won't eat much for breakfast either (tried cereal, waffles, oatmeal -- it's hit or miss each day).  This is frustrating!

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