Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Is anybody here a Dr or Pharmacist?

I took Briggs to Urgent Care this morning because his eyes were messed up.  They confirmed he has conjuctivitis (pink eye). 

The doctor also said he had a sinus infection.  Which was news to me, I mean, he had a runny nose, but nothign crazy, but OK.

He prescribed him 10ml of amoxicillin twice a day.  That is 1000mg/day. 

Seemed like a lot to me, I talked to a friend who is a pharmacist and she said the normal dosage is 45mg/kilo of weight PER day divided. 

25lbs=11kilograms.   11*45=495mg, NOT 1000.  So his dose is basically doubled.

 SO! I called urgent care back tonight, and of course the same Dr is still working and he said "Oh, its a new dosage we've been doing the last couple of years, of 80-90mg/kilogram of weight.  My pharmacist friend said she's NEVER heard of that being a "new" dosage. 

Opinions?  I'm going to call his actual Pedi office in the morning, but I'm so livid freaking mad right now.  Our Dr is always so careful about putting a child on antibiotics unless it's extremely neccessary, and then I take my kid in for pink eye and we get a random sinus infection and a massive dose of amoxicillin. 


I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.

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