Single Parents

Need advice pretty long.

I had my son on father's day at 3:13 pm. Although his father isn't being the best with me right now (and I also have fault in that) so don't completely hate him. We have been separated since I was 37 wks. He didn't make the birth because he was outside the state. I haven't treated him well in our marriage and he is finally tired. I am trying to change make our marriage work. He wants to get divorced in December after I graduate and we are living in the same house and he is helping me with the kids. Tells me he doesn't love me anymore mostly because he is tired of the fights. I plan on changing and winning him back am I stupid for doing so? It all started on his bday June 7th I kicked him out because I thought he was cheating on me. Come to find out he was just talking to his step mom who cheated on his dad and became violent with us because she thought my husband ratted her out to his dad but it wasn't like that. So I advice him to get a restraining order against her. She has always hated me and spoken bad about me to him. So I don't like her nor trust her. So when I kicked him out he went to go stay at her house since she is the only close by sorta relative he has. & after that he brought up the divorce thing. He lied to me and didn't tell me he was talking to her he says because I would have never accepted it. Which is true but better than finding out by phone records I wish he would have told me. I want to fight for my marriage but honestly don't know if I should forgive him for leaving me at 37 wks and missing the birth of our son. He is a great dad and was a great husband during our 2 yrs of marriage. He is a wonderful man that's why I want to win him back and I love him. What should I do?
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